Rock?n?Roll Open Dance Festival in Ireland


WYLOT Berlin czwartek 22.03.2018   godzina 15.00 przylot do miejscowości Kerry 16.35 (2.35 trwa lot)

POWRÓT  Berlin  niedziela 23.20     wylot z  Kerry  19.50 (2.30 trwa lot)


wyjazd czwartek 11.00  (rodzaj transportu w zależności od ilości zgłoszonych osób)

koszt wyjazdu 155 EUR  ( 24.01.2018 termin zgłoszenia) Po tym terminie koszt wyjazdu może ulec zmianie. ( oczywiście ze względu na lot )

Szczegóły wyjazdu opiszemy po zgłoszeniu par i formacji.


 Rock?n?Roll Open Dance Festival  in Ireland


24 MARCH 2018




Promoter:  Dance Sport Federation  of Ireland


Organizer:  Empire Acrobatic Rock?n?Roll Dance School in Ireland & Cork DanceSport Academy


Kind of Competition and Categories:


Children (0-8 years old, Tempo 46 B/min, leght: 45s-1min) most couple will be novice

Youth Novice:  (8-14 years old couples, Tempo 47-49  B/min, leght: 1min) category only for new couples (girl and boy never participated in the cometition outside own club).

Youth (0-14 years old, Tempo 47-49 B/min.),

Juniors (12-17 years old, tempo 47-49B/min, leght 1:30-1:45)

Small Girl Formation jun.(8-15 years old, 1 exeptions, numer of dancers 4-8; leght 1:30-1:45 Tempo 48-50 B/min.)

Duo Girls (0-8 years old, tempo 46 B/min, leght 45sec-1min) most girls will be novice

Duo Girls junior (9-14 years old, tempo 47-49 B/min, leght 1:00-1:30) girls can do easy acro elements, up to 4.


Date of Competition: 24 March 2018


Place of Comprtition: Cork City Hall

Anglesea St, Ballintemple, Cork


Participation of Competition: Couples and formation from Ireland and abroad

Director: Kasia Kik-Witkowska


Spervisior: Mark Ozog


Judges: Nominated by DSFI


Music: In the eliminations from Ogranizer. In the final own music marked with name and start number.


Starting Fee  ?15/person


Free entrance: Competitors, trainers  (max 2 each club) (named in registration)


Deadline for Announcements:  No later than 31.01.2018, only written form


Contact: Kasia Kik-Witkowska


Accomodation: Metropole Hotel, MacCurtian Street, Cork (numbers of rooms is limited)

?50 per person on double room with breakfast/night



Open door 7:30am

Registration 7:30-8:30am

Begining of Competition 9:00am







Sportowy Klub Taneczny MEGA DANCE

ul. Dereszowa 27, 65-544 Zielona Góra
Tel.: +48 508 197 804

Biuro:  Centrum Tańca KRZYWY KOMIN

ul. Fabryczna 13, 65-410 Zielona Góra
Tel.: +48 508 141 127 | E-mail:

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NIP: 973-07-43-557 | REGON: 97799240 | KRS: 0000128749

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